Woman Marries Eiffel and More

A woman declares her intense feelings to a tall, dark and erect… object. The Eiffel Tower.

Photosource: Independent.co.uk

Ex-US Army pilot Erika, now known as Erika La Tour Eiffel (she married the thingie 2 years ago), formally tied the knot with the famous 1,000 ft iron tower located on Champ de Mars near the Seine River in Paris.

We are all astounded by the tower’s magnificent beauty but for her, it was true love at first sight. Erika is one of the few people who call themselves “Objectum Sexuals,” or those who feel emotional desire for particular inanimate things, their intense feelings towards objects varying from a regular home furniture, electrical appliances, to a towering edifice like the Eiffel or Berlin Wall. (Objectum Sexuality or Objektsexualität in German was first coined by a woman named Eija-Riitta Eklöf Berliner-Mauer who married Berlin Wall 29 years ago.) It was a smooth relationship so far. They never had a fight whatsoever.

According to Mrs. Eiffel, her desire for objects didn’t happen overnight. As a former world champion in archery, she confesses that she had an ex-love, and that was her bow she calls Lance. They broke up years ago and she’s now having a hard time shooting arrows because she and Lance never had a formal break up. It was complicated.

To date, there are at least 40 self-confessed Objectum Sexuals and most of them are women. Others think they are crazy but they think they are just following their heart. More than half of these Objectum Sexuals are Europeans and most of them suffer from Asperger Syndrome which is a condition when a person has a difficulty interacting with others and has limited empathy with his or her peers.

According to an interview with psychotherapist from New York named Jerry Brooker: “"It is not that an Asperger person does not long for human relationships; they do, desperately. But someone who falls in love with objects can control that relationship on their own terms. Their objects will not let them down. That is extremely attractive for a person who is otherwise often desperately lonely."

For Erika, Mrs. Berlin Wall and other Objectum Sexuals, they want more control in their relationships and loving and inanimate object is just the perfect commitment. They won’t be rejected and they will be loved no matter what.

Mecaphiles - Strange Love

Moving on, have you guys heard of Mecaphiles? Hmm, I guess you’ve already heard about guys falling in love and making L-O-V-E with their cars right? Not yet? Mechapile is a new coined word (it doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page yet.)

You may find it interesting to watch a documentary about this strange love for CARS on YouTube. Two guys confess intense eherm, sexual feelings of desire to their sleek and sexy… car. Nasty enough, you can opt not to watch the videos, some say it’s just for fun, but see for yourself… if you like. =)

My Car is My Lover Part 1

My Car is My Lover Part 2

My Car is My Lover Part 3

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My Car is My Lover Part 4

My Car is My Lover Part 5

My Car is My Lover Part 6

We may find the idea unsettling, but for these groups of people, who knows, maybe it’s just a reaction for this world where people starts to lose their human touch thus more people are less motivated to trust others. (I guess this is better than locking up your daughter inside your cellar for 24 years… or thrusting sharp knives to other people’s head or eating a fetus. Urgh.


  1. cassidy1227 // May 7, 2009 at 10:05 PM  

    whatever...LOL OMG!!! i just realized that i'm in Love with my (Garage door opener) and i think i'll not forget to go out & kiss it goodnight tonight..What, did you just wake up one day & say OMG!!! i'm so in love with this bridge i wannna just hold onto it all day & kiss it..????Get A life Or Therapy, what the hell is next...Oh well you people just gave "Therapist" one more way to make money..LOL more power to the therapist who now ofeer help to those who fall in love with "Objects".. I hope they make lots & Lots & Lots of money off you weirdo freaks... Do you buy the things flowers and candy too? getouttahere & get a grasp on "The Real World"...what the hell kinda crap is this!!!!????.. Wake up People "Get A Life "Short Bus"... love cassidy1227

  2. cassidy1227 // May 7, 2009 at 10:13 PM  

    pahahahahaha..No way, i just watch the youtube video(My Car is My Lover Part 2) listed here, and i gotta tell ya" this is some crazy Sh*t... This man Licked his car. this is too funny, these people crack me up. i cant wait to show everyone this video.. i laughed so hard... this is great...